
No, you can not just look at a single torque number on a stepper motor. That's sloppy engineering. You need to look at the torque vs step rate curve for the motor. That's the only way to figure out what is going on. The advertised (and often bogus) torque numbers you see on steppers are at the max torque point. Surprise, that is almost always at zero steps per second (DC). The torque falls off as you speed the motor up. Since a geared motor is stepping faster, it *is* a significant issue.

You *can* use a bigger motor with the Titan, but the one that normally comes with it is not very powerful.

*IS* torque why the Titan stalls out earlier? The other stuff involved gets into bearing friction, gear friction, hobbed bolt teeth and force on the filament. Without digging to each and every item, there is no way to tell. What is true is that the Titan does not feed any better than the stock extruder.
