Quote Originally Posted by Todd-67 View Post
PLA won't degrade for a long time in water alone. It needs bacteria and heat such as in a landfill (or fish tank) along with the moisture. Detergents and chemicals design to breakdown organics such as drain cleaner (lye). heat and adgitation speed up the process just like in the video I use a heated ultrasonic parts cleaner with a water/lye mix. PVA will melt in straight water. Heat and agitation will speed that process up as well. Alternatively to the ultrasonic cleaner you could use a fish tank heater in water with a pump to create a strong current for pretty cheap that I would think would work almost as well.
Interesting. I guess I was a little vague! I am interested to see how it hold up as a drain screen in normal day to day usage in a kitchen sink. Not the most scientific study! I actually made these to fill in the drain hole. Ever set a colander in the sink to have it tip when the feet go in the drain. So these just make the bottom of the sink level by covering/filling the drain.