Quote Originally Posted by wirlybird View Post
It will in time degrade around water also. I am testing this in the sink!! It works fine for this application but I know it won't last.

I haven't used nylon yet but it does require high temps and it is also extremely hygroscopic being that it can saturate in under 24 hours so storage is critical.
PLA won't degrade for a long time in water alone. It needs bacteria and heat such as in a landfill (or fish tank) along with the moisture. Detergents and chemicals design to breakdown organics such as drain cleaner (lye). heat and adgitation speed up the process just like in the video I use a heated ultrasonic parts cleaner with a water/lye mix. PVA will melt in straight water. Heat and agitation will speed that process up as well. Alternatively to the ultrasonic cleaner you could use a fish tank heater in water with a pump to create a strong current for pretty cheap that I would think would work almost as well.