Quote Originally Posted by djprinter View Post
If you're printing large parts in ABS you'll want to heat your chamber (not just a heated build plate). This can be done inexpensively with a low-wattage hair dryer ($10-20) and a temperature controller ($40-60).

I suggest a temperature of 50c, this is warm enough to keep the ABS from warping but not so hot that it will fry your electronics.
^^ This is good advice. Even without the heat chamber mod an enclosed chamber with a heated platform will reach 40-45C. One key thing you are eluding to are printing higher temp materials and a larger build volume. That means not only are you going to want the ability to enclose, and have a heated bed you are going to need an all metal hot end. That to me points at the Ultimaker 2+ Extendedd. If you can give up the large build chamber than a modified Flashforge or Qidi would fit the bill.

When printing with ABS hacking up a larger model and bonding the pieces together is what I typically do. Gel superglue works like a champ this way. The thing with large builds is they take a long time and it really sucks to get 10 or more hours and the material into it only to have it fail.