Hi, yesterday I received my first 3D printer. I am totally new to 3D printing, but I already watched tons of videos on youtube and red many articles.
After setting the printer up I did some prints and I am really happy with what came out.
Today I tried a flat, but larger surface object and found out, that the left side of the printbed is less sticky than the right. So on the far left, it did not stick to the bed.
With the printer I got a glass bed and an adhesive spray as free addon. So I want to try out the glass bed, but wonder, if I should remove the blue print tak first or should just put the glass on top of it?

The next question is about the firmware. I found out, that there is sailfish v7.7 installed on the printer. Should I go with that or change to anything different?

I used flashprint to slice the objects so far, but now I just installed ReplicatorG to play around with it.
Seems that I can send files to the printer via the USB cable when I use ReplicatorG. Did not find that in the flashprint software.
So I will play aroud with that.

My last question at the moment is, if I should do any maintenance work to the printer right from the beginning as lubrication or something like that.
Did not find anything in the manual so far, but have to confess, that I did not read it in depth so far.