I would be too afraid to use plain glass again as I do shock it sometimes. As far as anything sticky on the bed I hate it because eventually that stuff has to come off to add new stuff and no thanks as the work involved is crazy nuts besides the fumes and just generally a nuisance.


Well, after I called the post office they couldn't figure out what was going on with my filament as another driver that was not on my route took it but it is supposed to be going back to MakerGeeks. They got pretty snotty at me for all of their mistakes but I remained nice and calm. After I contacted my credit card company they put it into dispute due to the attitude MG had and after reviewing their response to this issue and what was happening with the post office (that filament may never be seen again) they issued me a final credit. Sure didn't take long.

I am a bit saddened at how unprofessional MG was about this because they are around a 3 hour drive from me but after I went digging around the net I found out I am not the first. What got my dander up was not the beach comber/hippie talk from a business BUT that they would do me a favor by not charging me shipping again when they finally get mine back (if they did) and send me a replacement. Really? A favor of not charging me more shipping for a package I never received and considering you have 50 dollars of insurance on the roll? SMH.

So, what PETG maker out there has good quality filament without breaking the bank?