Hi there. I'm a complete newbie, and I'm having some trouble with my FF Creator Pro, with Simplify3D.

You can see from this photo that my first 'proper' attempt at a print was a bit of a disaster. It's got bits of black mixed in with it, the text is barely legible, the surfaces and edges are all rough, and the auto-generated support material visible cannot be removed (it seems to have been printed solidly).

20160428_161411.jpg 20160428_161429.jpg 20160428_161456.jpg

I used default settings in S3D, optimised for quality. I did change the top/bottom solid layers to 9, but everything else was set to defaults.

Dimensionally the print is correct and sturdy. It just looks awful and has non-removable support material on the inside.

Here's now it looked when it had just finished printing:

P2370183-2.jpg P2370184-2.jpg

Any help would be VERY much appreciated, since I have to get this beast going by hook or by crook