your budget is not enough - end of discussion.

You can get adecent 3d printer for $1000, but not a decent scanner.

The only aio - all-in-one scanner and printer for silly money is the xyz aio.

By all accounts it isn't very good, but at that price - what do you expect :-)

The zeus is the only other player in the market and it does get good reviews and for the money is extremely good value.

Come back to us in 5 years time and you will undoubtably get a a good all in one for around $1000.
But here and now - not a snowballs chance in hell.

You're best bet is to get something like the wanhao duplicator i3 and learn to use a decent cad program. I recommend openscad. It's free, everything you model will always be printable, it's easy to learn and you don't need to be able to draw stuff.
It's only downside is that it's not great on curves, but you can work round that.