Thanks guys..
That's good to know that the speed that prints well is around the correct ballpark.. I was worried that it should be doing something similar to the defaults in Makerware.

I think I've found the problem with the nozzle/extruder chugging... it goes away if I use my hand to hold the filament straight up as it goes into the extruder.. if I let it go and the bend radius gets too small as it slacks, then the chugging starts..

I presume a filament feed tube will cure this problem..

So the plan is, as previously recommended by bigo93, use this tubing..

Then connect it with these:

And print this:

However, as the print quality isn't great at the moment and I'm printing only PLA at the moment, I'm a little unsure if I'll be able to print the filament holders in good enough quality to get them to work well.. Perhaps I can use a cable to tie temporarily or something to the main cables... will have an experiment...