Hi everyone,

I am new to 3d printing and this is my first post on this blog. I am an undergraduate engineering major at a small university and we recently purchased our first 3d printer. I have some self taught experience in designing but still have a lot to learn. As one of my first projects, I would like to build a leg mechanism with 3d printed pin joints. The printer I will be using is the Mark One made by MarkForged (https://markforged.com/mark-one/) and the joints will be printed in nylon. I'm wondering how much clearance I should design between the outer ring of the pin and the inner hole of the housing? I intend to print the pin separate from the two connected pieces but if I can print the hinge in two pieces with the pin built in, all the better. Keep in mind, I would like to final result to be a smooth (relatively) single axis hinge. Any advice?