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  1. #1

    Problems with MakerWare Slicing: Lack of internal supports. Solutions/alt software?


    Some quick info. I am using the flashforge creator dual printer with the latest version of MakerWare software. I've attached an image referencing my problem.

    I have been having a consistent issue with my prints. When there are details that are recessed from the roof that require a surface be laid on top of infill for it to print the rest of the model, I end up with platform pieces that hang in the air, blob, disconnect, and later cause the nozzles to hit these blobs causing print inaccuracies, register shifts (as in the whole glass build plate shifts screwing up the remainder of the print), and leads to bad roofing layers. I have attached an image.


    It seems that these printed platforms are not always connecting to the infill. The only minor solutions I have found for this are to change the infill parameters and keep previewing my print to ensure maximal support for these connections. That means no fast printing with very low infills among other problems.

    is there some settings I can tweak that I am missing? Do other slicers behave this same way? Is there software that won't do this?
    Last edited by Grindeddown; 01-25-2016 at 06:38 PM.

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