I was wondering if anyone might have a better idea of what's going on.

Some background for the printer I'm using: Replicator 2X. Software is Makerware Desktop 3.8. Printing ABS at 210c to 220c and hbp at 95c. Print speed is 30 mm/s at 0.2 mm height.

The issue is that I'm getting these ripples in the top surfaces of for all my prints. I've tried adjusting the tension on the belts by tightening the pulleys and physically repositioning the motors to apply more belt tension. That helped some, but I'm still getting an uneven surface. It looks like it's dragging through the layers a bit. I'm not sure if calibration might be an issue. I check the calibration for the nozzle height pretty often. Could part of the problem be that it's too close? Is there some kind of mechanical feedback happening? The belt tension feels pretty tight, but should they be even tighter? I'm not sure what else it could be or what else to do.

Appreciate the help.
