I am apologizing in advanced for the following noob question. I am the definition of a beginner. Essentially, I'm trying to better grasp how the endstops work. I understand that when I autohome the printer, it moves in the direction of the endstops and once it triggers them it knows it's in the home position for that axis. And that home position can be adjusted by adjusting the physical location of the endstops. My first question is where should the home position be exactly. I know it's in the back right corner of the i3v when your are looking at it from the front, but how far from each edge of the build plate should the nozzle be? Basically where should my x and y home positions be? For the z-axis, I understand where my home position should be.

Now, on to my next question which may be more specific to the newer i3v 12". When I adjust my y-end stop, I run into two issues. Either the endstop is too close to the front of the printer and my nozzle actually hits the relay built into the heated bed when the x-carriage moves left and right, or it's too far away from the front of the printer and when the y-axis moves the full 300 mm away from the front, the y-axis idlers hit the back of the printer. So it seems like it's impossible to utilize the full 300mm without hitting something. So for any users who have had experience with this printer, did you have this issue with the y-axis and if so how did you solve it. Or, what could I be doing wrong that is creating this issue for me.

And finally, this is a question im sure most 3d printer users could answer. What tells the printer to stop when it's moving in the direction opposite the endstops as in there is no endstop to tell it when it's reached the physical boundary of the printer? Is this just accomplished by not building anything larger than 300mm x 300mm x 300mm or would the printer actually stop itself if a command told it to go beyond its limit. Like if I manually commanded the x carriage 300 mm away from the endstop, would it automatically stop if I told it to keep going or would it just start skipping steps. Is there a place in the firmware where you tell the printer the physical limits of the printer and to stop when it reaches them.

If you made it this far, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any comments/ suggestions, please let me know!

