So I'm buying a new 3D printer for a at home business and I am not sure what one is the best for my needs. I need it to print from both ABS and PLA, and wouldn't mind if it could also do good prints from a rubber like material although I know that's probably not happening because the only rubber one I found was the Hyrel E1-5 and their print areas are 8"x8"x8" which is to small. It needs a large print area, min 10"x10"x8" preferably bigger. It's prints need to be consistently high quality and decently quick because I'd be printing products for clients on demand. Now for the hardest part with those requirements. I've got $2k budgeted out for it. I can save a little more if I have to but I can't go much more. Once the business starts taking off I'd be able to buy a bigger better one but at least at first my budget needs to stay close to $2k. Thanks for any and all help anyone gives!