I just published this remix of the CTC extended glass mounts if anybody is looking to squeeze more printing room out of their flashforge. EagleSeven had pointed out that you could use a 11 1/8" X 6 7/8" (282.57mm x 174.62mm) piece of glass on the CTC 3d printer, and sure enough you could! But the original mounts did not fit on my Flashforge because it had a much thicker bed plate. Here is a remix I whipped up and wasted half a spool of material getting to fit correctly. But in doing so, I went from being able to print out 2 of these back plates at a time, to 4 at a time, and I make a lot of them so this helps a ton. Remember, you can only go SO far, before you hit end stops and such

Before: 82835bb2f2ccb977b54d262572b280d4.jpg After: a9cd3a4a9ea4216a94894a8d030e32aa.jpg Profit: IMAG2111.jpg
