So i picked up a couple of samples of Nylon from the MyMat guy at the tct show.

My dad wanted some carabiner clips - so this seemed like a perfect opportunity to try the MyMat nylon.

Two types - one plain: simply called MyMat soft nylon. A pretty standard looking and feeling nylon filament.
And one with carbon fibre reinforcement called: MyMat ultra nylon.

The carabiners are 70mm long and 35 at the wide end. the part in contact with the build plate are 6.5mm wide.
No way I could print these with any of the taulman nylons I've tried, theyd warp off the plate insiide a few layers.

I printed 4 white and 2 carbon fibre reinforced clips with absolutely no issues. they get a little fluffy - but 10 seconds with sanding cloth got rid of that.
Dimensionally - pretty good. I had to adjust the gap slightly. But only the first clip wasn't fully functioning.
After that I changed the settings. MyMat recommeded to up the extrusion multiplier - turns out this was not necessary.
Set that at one and print at 55mm/s and you get pretty sharp print.

Printing on glue stick at 60c (Mymat recommend 80, but I couldn't be arsed to recalibrate the printer at the different temp - and didn't need to.)

The scratches are from the sanding.
And it was just real light fluff. No serious stringing.
And did I Mention that printed in a non-enclosed printer THIS NYLON DID NOT WARP - AT ALL, NOT EVEN A TINY BIT !!!
I've used pla that warps more than this stuff.

Just a shame I've only got the two samples.

But if you have to print stuff from nylon - consider this stuff. It just works, you'll get more first print usable models and waste way less than any other nylon filament I've used - oh yeah, and it doesn't warp :-)