I have an Ultimaker 2 and an B9Creator 1.2 at home.
I don't use the Ultimaker anymore.
The Ultimaker has 2 advantages, build space and toughness of the finished model. The B9Creator has 2 advantages, incredible print quality and less restrictions when designing.
I haven't used the Ultimaker in nearly a year. I use the B9Creator daily (counted over a year, probably every other day).

I do miniatures for war-games. Soldiers, vehicles, buildings etc.. The casual onlooker does not see the difference in quality between a printed miniature and one bought.
Some things like building get decent results on the Ultimaker, but decent is only enough, if you can't get good or very good.

There are things the Ultimaker is better suited for, but I almost never print those.

As the main advantage of a resin printer is print quality, you should buy the best you can afford. Expecting the Peachy Printer to deliver high quality prints is IMHO naive. ANd a bad resin printer is not better than a good FDM, printer, so why not buy an FDM printer and get the FDM advantages as well.

Resin printers are more messy, because fluids are more messy than solids. Post production is a skill you learn. I remove the build table, use a knife to remove the model, put it in a jar with IPA, put the jar in an US cleaner (filled with water) for some minutes. Get the model out, remove the supports and I'm done. At least with the B9 you do not have to clean and empty the vat after every print.

Whether to buy a resin or an FDM printer is just a matter of what you want to print (and the money available ). If the models are small and full of detail, buy a good resin printer. If you need large or sturdy models use an FDM printer.
Of course you can use tricks, like making making copies of the model and cast them in metal or cut the model up into multiple pieces, or add details with prefabricated parts.