So I am new to the scene of 3D printing although I catch on quick. I bought a printer HICTOP PRUSA i3 Aluminum. Anyway I wanted to add auto bed leveling and I wanted to put a better board on the machine, the one that was on there looks really cheap. I Purchased the sainsmart 2-in-1 printer board (ArduinoMega+Ramps 1.4) basically. I bought the recommended motor drivers. Then I purchased a Raspberry pi and set that up on octoprint to control the printer via wlan. With a few hangups here and there getting the two boards to connect and getting everything wired, I soon had everything ready to go. I powered the printer up and tried moving the motors and I simply get buzzing and the motor tries to move and sometimes moves a little bit. If i try to move the motor then help with my hand the motor will move either direction (Example: If i want the motor to move the X axis left and try to help it with my fingers it will go left as long as i help it BUT if i keep trying to move the motor left and turn the motor right with my fingers it will easily go right. All this while still buzzing. Adjusting the POT on the motor controllers has proved not effective for me in this case. The power supply "says" its putting out 12v at 20AMP. Thanks