How can large flat surfaces be printed with accuracy, like a cell phone? Thinking about it, I see the only way it will work without causing large defects would be to do it tall side up. I cant see any large print on the vertical axis working very well since the water is always flowing.. seems this would cause the middle to always warp, or whichever side of the print was filled in first....would there be a way to add a solenoid of some sort to stop the water flow for large flat prints? I would sacrifice Speed for Accuracy. The flow rate of the water is going to be critical to any print based on the surface area of the print. On normal Z axis motors they print then move, print then move. If you add a solenoid for the water control you can do the same thing, and the software could calculate the amount of water needed for each later to make more accurate prints. Have you tried printing from the bottom like other resin printers do and using a stepper motor to see what the actual resolution of the prints could be with your laser method?