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  1. #1

    New FF Creator Pro just arrived the courier story, toolhead offset, jog

    Hello, my new baby just arrived yesterday and was a little damaged by the courier in the transport
    one of the leg was seriously damaged and Z axis out of the top holder, all of this is fixed by myself until now
    and it is as new again, z axis wasn't bend or anything so it seams to be OK!
    The only strange things I've noticed is when I using the JOG function from the menu or RepG software
    and I move the X to very left or Y to very front the step motor still going and jumping for as long as I keep the button pressed
    is this normal ?
    second thing, my printer was shipped with Sailfish 7.7 atmega2560 but the settings in the Homing/VREFs are only

    X Home Offset 151.998
    Y Home Offset 74.995

    pot x 118
    pot y 118
    pot z 40
    pot A 118
    pot B 118

    all the other are set to 0
    is this normal as well ?
    As I can see some ffCpro using also X toolhead offset at around 33.79 but in my it is 0

    I have updated my printer now to the latest revision of 7.7 sailfish with no problems
    but all the offset are taken from the original firmware it was shipped with r01234
    so there is no difference

    I have done my first test print (TEST RIGHT) from the included SD card it looks ok as for the first print without a proper calibration
    as you can see there is a strange (for me) vertical line on the left from the middle i don't know if this is a problem with the object itself, calibration or something completely else.

    thank you!

    Last edited by obecny; 09-19-2015 at 04:43 PM.

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