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  1. #1

    Yes.... Another what printer to buy discussion....

    Good afternoon folks.. I know this gets beaten to death, and there are a million threads on it, but I am trying to make sure i dont rule out any possible printers.
    I have a FF Creator Pro that i love for high quality stuff (im about finished with my quad copter print)
    I also have a Makerfarm Prusa I3v 12 that I use for bigger stuff. This printer is working as intended. Its a workhorse and doing well.

    I have a large print job coming in the next couple of weeks and am going to be in the market for my third (actually 4th, i sold my rostock max v2) printer.
    I need it to have a large print area at least 10x10x10 (or very close)

    I am looking at a lot of different options.
    Price is somewhat of a factor. I have up to $3000 or so to spend.

    I am looking at these following printers.

    Lulzbot taz 5
    Creatorbot 3d
    Wanhao Duplicator 5s
    Rigidbot Big (although its not available right now)
    Makerfarm Prusa I3V 12 (just getting a 2nd one, but thats not exciting)

    Is there some I am missing? There are new entrants every single day.
    I am less inclined to buy the creatorbot or wanhao dup 5s because I dont like bowden extruders. I want a direct drive for flexible filaments etc. But its price and large volume is nice.

    I also want quality. The Flashforge creator pro is VERY VERY high quality at .1mm. I want something that can be close. THe prusa i3v is nice, but its not the FFCP.

    Id love to get a discussion going to weigh the options out there guys.
    thank you much
    Last edited by dunginhawk; 09-16-2015 at 02:12 PM.

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