I am experiencing a new problem, when I try to print http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:640767 it keeps freezing on the first layer of supports. This is the first print I have had issues with. I have done a successful print Tuesday but can't seem to print this. I have a Generation 6 board with Marlin firmware. Never had an issue before; I have restarted Repetier Host, reconnected my printer, slicing the file again. I have rebooted my computer and I will be able to find out if that fixed it when I get home, if that would effect it. What can I do to fix it? Here is what I have done with my computer since I have had the last successful print: uninstall a program that was giving me tons of ads in my browsers also my PC crashed and rebooted. I am running Windows 10 as I have been since day 1 of that printer since technical preview. My baud rate is 115200 I believe, I know it is not 250000 if that is most likely the problem I will reflash the firmware