GOod afternoon folks... I am in the market (if a job comes through) for a third, and maybe fourth 3d printer.
THe build size is a big deal as these parts are 10 - 11 inches, so its barely fitting on my prusa 12 " today.

I am looking at perhaps the taz , perhaps the printrbot metal, and others

however, this one is interesting

DOes anyone own a creatorbot 3d printer? THey had 20+ kickstarters who now all have their printers, i think... So there should be someone out here with one?

Id love to know your thoughts. I requested a sample cube print from Tom (owner) and it came back. The quality is not bad. its about the same as my prusa, or a taz (ive heard).

Any thoughts on this printer at all would be great...
My biggest issue is the bowden extruder, vs direct drive... Bowden doenst allow for flexible filaments, but i guess i have other printers for that.

Thank you