Hey guys I got another question for ya. I set limits as to how far my printer head can travel like this:

// Travel limits after homing
#define X_MAX_POS 100
#define X_MIN_POS -100
#define Y_MAX_POS 100
#define Y_MIN_POS -100
#define Z_MAX_POS 185
#define Z_MIN_POS 0

This doesn't allow it to go past the bed perimeters when I manually control the movement which is great, however, when I press home the head will go to the right (x+) and slam into the side past my limits.

Any fixes for that?

Another problem I'm having is every time I turn off my printer after a print, the printer forgets that it moved and makes the new location its new starting point. (the lcd says 0,0,0, even though its at say: 17,7,12)

Any fixes for this? thanks!