Ok, so I recently got a Wanhao Duplicator I3, and one of the changes I am planning to make to it before I start printing is to add a glass bed.

I hate the idea of using binder clips, and saw that many people use Gino (or some other brand) Silicone pads normally meant for computer CPU/GPUs instead. I am a little confused about two things however.

First of all if you should use one big pad or cut it into squares. There seems to be debate on both sides about this and I wanted to hear what others opinions about it were. I heard that using a single pad is not a good idea because it makes it harder to remove the glass and it's harder to get it flat or make sure no air bubbles get trapped under it. But on the other hand I am worried about heat not transferring evenly if you cut it into squares, especially since there seems to be no general consensus on how they squares should be arranged or how many to use.

And second, are these pads supposed to be sticky or adhesive? I assumed the whole point was that it was a sticky substance that on top of being a heat-transfer medium would stick like tape the glass to the metal heated printbed, but now I am hearing that some or even all pads might not be sticky, and can't seem to get a clear answer.

Can anyone offer any advice?