Reason for W10 upgrade - it's shiny and I like shiny, plus I do an awful lot of support type work so I do like having things to fix Simple as that really, I am an early adopter on all fronts - PC hardware, games consoles, anything technology at all really.

From investigation it does look like its Windows 10, they have made significant changes to the COM port over USB side of things in W10 can read more here - - I don't pretend to know the full ins and outs of it, I may get round to submitting a trace report when I get some time to do the replication.
May chuck something together on my Arduino boards too to see if the same occurs when streaming data back and forth.

S3D - I just find it works for me, sure its got quirks, but I don't think any software hasn't. I still find the profile options a little cumbersome even with the new settings model and was also surprised at the change of the initial purge cycle which caught me out when it smashed the print head into the bed clips that I had strategically placed based on the old version.