I have owned a bfb 3d touch ( now 3d systems) for two years and recently acquired a 5th gen maker bot. I decided both printer had good and bad points but decided I wanted to build a printer with more options and flexibility for the future. My goal is now coming close to finishing. Here's what I have..

550mm x 550mm x 550mm server cabinet with glass door and remove able side panels. ( I cut the top off)
Smoothie-board for 5 stepper motors. 1 x axis X, 2 x axis Y, ( using breakout pins and separate motor driver in series due to both motors requiring 1.68amp each smoothie driver only supports 2 amps ) 1 x axis Z and x2 extruders.
Bull dog xl extrudes 3mm filament x2
e3d v6 hot ends
230 volts keenovo 300mm x 200mm silicone heat pad fastened to 396mm x 296mm toughened glass bed and a cirrus 60 chamber heater also mains voltage controller by a separate relayed whilli controller. Bed gets to 110c in 2 minutes and air/chamber temp is maintained at 65c within 5 mins.

all protected with a RCD MCB

build platform using both extruder is 280mm x 280mm 260mm

electronics all under a false bottom also housing 2 turntables for filament (Bowden tube fed ) as above bulldog xl direct.

windows 8.1 10 inch tablet built into door ( integrated camera and obviously remote connection)

i am now doing some fine tuning befor attempting my first prints.

any suggestions on controller/ slicer software. Thoughts please.