I'm trying to print some two-color prints with my Dreamer and running into some issues that I didn't have with the same operation in the past. New objects, new .gcode files, so it's not necessarily something that's changed in the printer itself. An example object is a standard six-sided die; I create one STL of the die with holes for the numbers, and another STL of just the numbers. Put them together in Simplify3D, create a process for each extruder.

Neither extruder seems to flow quickly at the start of the print. The cube is 20mm, and if I do a skirt with 3 outlines, the PLA will *just* start flowing as it starts to outline the actual object -- the skirt never gets printed. With larger objects the filament starts to flow well into the skirt.

Same issue with the second extruder. The first layer lays down little or no PLA in whatever number is facedown on the print. It's not until the second layer that the PLA is really flowing, which means that face is very weakly inscribed.

Any thoughts on this? I know Simplify3D has a lot of settings for retraction, coasting, etc, but I don't know enough about them to know what might solve the problem.