I recently purchased Simplify3D to use with my PowerSpec3D Pro and not having much luck in getting it to create files that print well. I've used MakerBot software in the past and the x3g files print without any issues so I don't think it's my printer.

A specific example of a file I've been trying to print is this one: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:289650.

Here's a photo I've taken of two print pieces I created: https://www.flickr.com/photos/102012...posted-public/.

The white version is created using MakerBot software. The black version is created using Simplify3D (I couldn't even remove the piece from the raft since it was really a bunch of unattached pieces). Any ideas what settings I should be using to get his looking more like the white piece?

Finally, here's the link to the factory file to see what settings I'm currently using (if that helps): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/59jpm8d1p...2xFTUiWZa?dl=0

Thanks in advance.