I have had my second 3d printer for about 2 weeks. An i3v Prusa 12in from Makerfarm. I noticed that it can't seem to get the quality finishes on the surface of my prints as compared to my Replicator 2.

I wonder, can I get prints to that quality from just tweaks? All I have been doing is tweaking for the past 2 weeks.

Are the quality of prints based on the fact that the body is made of wood?

I found this website http://openbuildspartstore.com/, and I think it looks easy to make a metal body with these parts, and with the parts that come with the i3v kit. And maybe even extend some of the axis for a larger build volume. Especially the z axis.

Would body made of aluminum extrusion rails get the quality close to my Makerbot Replicator? Would the motors be powerful enough to extend the x and y axis?