Those familiar with the goings on in the stock market are well versed in class action lawsuits, as they are fairly common when investors/owners sue a company and its executive staff for actions they feel cost them money, and the 3D printing arena is now beginning to see class action lawsuits emerge as stocks are more widely traded. Today, Scott+Scott, Attorneys at Law, LLP has brought up a class action suit against 3D Systems (NYSE: DDD), on behalf of investors who purchased shares in the class period of October 29,2013 through October 22, 2014. Filed in the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina, the suit alleges that the Defendants, 3D Systems, Abraham N. Reichental (CEO) and Damon J. Gregoire (Vice President Mergers and Acquisitions) had driven up the share price of the stock by issuing misleading statements to the public. Read about the complaint details over at
Below is an image regarding the claims from the class action lawsuit: