Hey Guys,

I am having an issue with printing, it seems that on corners, the printer goes to far and then comes back, making overally round corner. It also appears to not do so hot on smaller holes. I have checked the belt tension on both axis's and they are the same tension and I have belt tensionors on them. I have gone through all the calibrating and calibration prints come out almost dead nuts. I have tried Slic3r, Cura, and MatterSlicer and they all do the same thing, so its not the slicer. I am printing at 30mm/s, using a .4 nozzle, .2 layer height, and .4 extrusion width. I have acceleartion set at 500 and jerk at 15. I use a E3D head with 1.75 filament and this happens with PLA and ABS printing at 210 and 240 respectivaly. I have a MakerFarm i3v 12" printer. I have attached photos.

ALL HELP APPRICEATED!!IMG_0402.JPG - Windows Photo Viewer_2015-06-04_13-25-55.jpgIMG_0403.JPG - Windows Photo Viewer_2015-06-04_13-25-30.jpg