got a reprap prusa i3 bought 2nd hand has a e3d v6 with bowden extruder designed by czar frame and mks gen-2z v1.1 arduni board 1.4 ramps

it came lcd displayed writing and was able to move axis using lcd could not get repetier to connect with printer
i insalled arduni and drivers when printer connecter to windows 8.1 64bit shows in device manager under ports as usb seriel port (com 7 )

anyway et up arduni and selected mega 2560 board in tools and port 7 i then click examples basic and blink the board on printer then blinked blue so then went and did same but clicked bare minimum and led stopped
but now only have black squares on lcd panel but does this say the board is communicating with the board

and what do i do now do i need to reload firmware etc please help all i want to do is gett printing