Well, now the fun of building and setting up is over, and son (30 years old) has finished printing dinosaurs I decided to do some more accurate projects.

Prints of simple objects e.g rectangles, cubes etc. came out fairly accurate:

on the x axis a 20mm side printed at 20.39mm = +.69%
on the y axis a 2.075mm side printed at 2.09mm = +.72%
on the z axis a 1.35mm side printed at 1.36mm = +.74%

I am not sure whether to be happy with the above accuracy, or whether to play around with calibration to see if I can improve it.

Printing circular objects is a different matter e.g. a ring:
Outside diameter 40mm prints at 39.7mm = -.75%
Inside diameter 20mm prints at 10.36mm = - 3.13%

Given the linear objects printed slightly larger in all axis, I was surprised to see that circular ones printed smaller. This was consistent.

What sort of accuracy do others have?
Any ideas on the difference between linear and circular accuracy?

I am using the 13v 12", Solidworks to design the parts and Cura for the slicing.
