
So i assembled my geeetech prusa i3 printer and have had many problems with it.
Now im writing here with 3 of my more important problems so maybe someone can help me out.
So i connect my printer to my pc and open repetier. If i right away start printing then the printer doesnt heat either extruder or hot bed. So i have to manually preheat them. I can preheat extruder but if i switch on bed heating then the repetier kinda crashes. It shows that my bed gets about 5 degrees warmer and then freezes to that temp. but my printer screen shows that its heating up perfectly. So if i try to start printing when printer says my bed and extruder are hot then repetier says that its waiting for 1 command ( i assume thats the command to heat up the bed) and doesnt start printing.

other problem is as i switch on my printer i can only move axis motors only one way. If i click autohome on either computer or at printer screen then i am able to move every way. But as i click autohome then the extruder head raises about 6mm from the bed and i cannot get it down anymore. Only way to get the extruder head near the bed is to manually screw these screwed rods. How can i set the auto home to correct position.

third problem is that as i heat up the extruder to print then the stepper motor inside the extruder doesnt have enough power to push through the filament. So very small amount of filament comes out. I have to help this filament with my hand a little bit and then it starts to come through. The extruder makes a click every second. I assume thats the click when the filament goes through too hard and the motor skips. I also tryed heating to 250 degrees so if there is something stuck then maybe it melts but it didnt help.

Looking forward for your advice.