Italy-based Ira3D, founded by Alessandro Padrin just last year, has just announced some exciting new product launches, including a new 3D printer and 9 new exotic filament selections. The new 3D printer, the Ira3D Poetry2, is available with both a single (€1749) and double (€1849) versions, and has a 250 x 250 x 300 mm build envelope. The exotic filament types launched include: H-Limofy®, Gummify®, IRA-Wood®, IRA-Copper®, IRA-CarbonF®, IRA-Bronze®, IRA-Brick®, Crystal®, and ABSuper®. Furthermore, the company will be launching more filaments in the coming months, such as the to-be-released IRA-Alum® and IRA-Steel®. Find out more details and specs on these new launches in the full story:

Below is a look at the Ira3D Poetry2 3D printer: