While we've seen a few 3D printed tools emerge over the last few months, they've tended to be along the lines of a wrench or multi-tool -- but now, a 17 year old from France has created a fully 3D printed vice. Adrien Mary, who learned 3D printing techniques in high school, purchased his own 3D printer last summer. The vice was inspired by his current job, where he uses such tools regularly. Designed in Dassault Systèmes' CATIA V5 software, then 3D printed on Mary's Ultimaker 2, the vice includes six parts--and he put the STL files on Thingiverse. The next iteration the teen hopes to make will use stronger ColorFabb XT filament to enhance the tool's strength. Check out more details in the full article: http://3dprint.com/55717/3d-printed-vice/

Below is a photo of the 3D printed vice: