I have a few S3D profiles for both ABS and PLA but I have auto bed leveling so you would need to change some of the beginning Gcode. Some of these profiles have ABL in the start Gcode some don't. Also setup for 3mm filament with hex head and .4mm nozzle. You will probably need to play with these to get it where you want but you can use them for a starting point anyway.

You will need to change the file name from .txt to .fff because the forum wouldn't let me upload .fff files.


Quote Originally Posted by BLKKROW View Post
Anyone have one handy? After being sick for a few weeks and dealing with a calculus exam. I have the bed level and ready to print just struggling with the settings on Simplify 3D so I wanted to reach out to see if anyone had one handy.

#1 Any firmware configure files?
#2 Any Printing Profiles?

I have a 12" Prusa Iv3
Makerfarm 12 020mm layer ABS_250c_retract .txtMakerfarm 12 010mm layer PLA_200c_retract.txtMakerfarm 12 020mm layer PLA_225c_retract.txt