So I am having troubles getting things setup. I have calibrated the esteps to be 848 to get the length of extrusion correct. I then input an average diameter of the filament. I then used the calibration cubes to figure out the extrusion multiplier. I end up needing a multiplier of about 88%. I am still getting some weird clumps now and then in my prints.

I am getting a good adhesion and first layer with ABS.

I decided to switch to PLA to try that out to get less warping. Using the same procedure I get what I would say is a bad first layer. It adheres fine but it is very thin/translucent and squished. The ABS was fine. Is this just how PLA prints? It looks like not enough material is coming out but I am getting strings and clumps in my prints. I then thought the first layer was too low but I am using the same ABL procedure for ABS and PLA. ABS is fine.

Wish I had some pictures. I will see if I can get something printed up.