Hello all. Pretty new here. Been doing a lot of lurking.

I have a Prusa mendel, homemade. Using Marlin, with auto bed leveling, latest version and Pronterface. Really like Repetier better but can't get it to work right.

My prints are better now than they have ever been. However, I can't get them to print in the center of the bed. Everything prints on the bottom 1/3 of the bed. That's fine for little stuff, but larger items print partly off the bed. I know it must have something to do with my offsets, but have tried various values to no avail. Offset on Y axis from hot end to leveling probe is 60mm. At 60 offset it prints to the bottom of the bed. At 40 it's even worse. At 80 the bed slams into the frame at the top. Just kinda lost here.

Also, when I home all axis the Y creeps forward as the z raises to begin it's homing. I have z set to raise 15mm before homing to clear some obstacles.

Could you "3D Printmasters" offer some insight to my problems? What more into do you need?