The new conductive filament from ProtoPasta looks like it may be good. The one problem is that they give conductivity per cm, and they do not specify the trace width they use to obtain that number (the standard measure of conductivity per square (for surface conductive materials), or per qube (for volume conductive materials) would be nice and tell people much more.

So is there any better information on this material? Anywhere?

30 ohms per cm is meaningless in and of itself, now 30 ohms per square (does not mater size, a square unit of surface conductive material will always be the same given the same material), or per qube would mean something.

Also what about the thermal conductivity (important to know if dealing with traces carrying any amount of current or with any AC properties to the current being carried).

I am tempted to pre order, though I do not want to waste money. There are a few simple PCB projects that this stuff could be useful for if it is 30cm per square, and has decent thermal conductivity (good enough for some 3.3v 100MHz MCU boards).

So does anyone know about this material? Is it worth a preorder?