Just last year if you were to tell me that in 5-10 years time NASA would be sending robots up to the moon with giant 3D Printers and print out Moon bases for humans who can arrive later, I would have thought you were completely nuts. After some news from NASA this week though, this has all changed. NASA could possibly send 3D Printing space robots to the moon within 5 to 10 years, that could print our concrete moon bases using moon dust as the main ingredient. NASA has announced that they have funded a major project at the University of Southern California to further develop the technology known as 3D Contour crafting. Contour crafting is described better by me in this post: http://3dprintboard.com/showthread.p...Under-24-Hours .

Below is a mock up of what could be taking place on the moon within just 5 years time. As you see a robot is laying down a mixture of a bonding agent and moon dust to eventually configure a structure. 3D Printing a moon base would allow NASA to save up to 90% of the weight it would require if they were to take all their own materials to the moon.