Well with about a week of printing under my belt with the FlashForge Creator Pro I have one problem that is driving me crazy. I load the print up and every thing goes great. The biggest problem I am having is trying to get the part off the build plate with out breaking the part or the printer. It is sticking too good. I even left one printer on there for about 4 hours after it finished and still had a hard time removing it.

I use Simplify 3d to slice and the best way I have found to get the print off easy is to raise it 2mm off the bed and add a raft and supports. That works well but I am using a lot more filament that I want to use. I have had to replace the Kapton tape twice already which is a PITA. Any advice on how to remove the part with out ripping the kapton tape or breaking my printer or the part? I do have two sheets of glass for the bed order from FlashForge that should be here later this week.
