First, thanks to Clough42 for making the Itty bitty. One look and I knew it was for me! I printed one up, ordered the hardware kit, made a slight mod to the gears by putting side guards on them and thought I was ready to go. That's when I hit my first snag....and it's a big one! I have a MakerFarm i3v 12" with the hexagon hot end. It has worked good, but when I was going to make the change to duals I thought "I'll get better ones". So, I ordered two of the new E3D V6's. Man, are they sweet. are those heat-sinks big! Two of them side by side are too big to fit in the Itty bitty dual as is. I thought of cutting the fins down, but that would ruin some of the heat dissipation the head no go there. I thought, well I''l just stretch the extruder out and make the room. Well, there's too much going on, when I do that, for my machine to handle and it will crash while trying to merge the objects back to one single item. I guess I'm asking too much from 123D as my machine can hold it's own ( I7, 32 GB of RAM, GTX OC 650i and a SSD). So, I'm stuck using a single extruder (yes I'm running the V6 in it now and not the Hexagon) in my Wade's with a pack of hardware for an extruder I can't use. I still want to go the Itty Bitty route, but I need some help from someone who is better than me and my setup. I'm sorry if this is against the rules or if there is a different place to request such things. Please forgive a first time poster. I would be eternally grateful if someone could make me a .STL ( or any other file type I can open with 123D or Simplify3D (yes I paid that much for slicing software and would again as it is truly awesome)). I would need it to hold two of the E3D V6 ( the 1.75mm Universal models)hot ends running the factory fan shrouds. I want it to run the NEMA 17 motors as well. It will need to go on the i3V 12" MakerFarm that I mentioned earlier, but I can handle the X carriage part. The wiring can come out of the hot ends anyway, so I'm flexible there. I know this can be done, but is beyond what I can pull off at this point. There are several examples of the X carriage on thingiverse, if someone needs a reference. Also, on thingiverse there is a working NEMA 17 motor version of the extruder already out there. The hot end has documentation on E3D's website and there are CAD files for it on GrabCAD as well. Thanks in advance to any kind souls!