I've been having an issue with my rep 2. When printing I have poor adhesion of the filament to the print bed, see pics. If i let the print continue after the initial issues most of the defects have been "worked out" but the final product is not as pretty as I've seen of other prints with same hardware.

To date I have tried, cleaning the stepper motor, adjusting print temps, changed the painter's tape (2 different kinds), took filament off the spool and let it feed freely (make sure it was not a tension issue), and tried a couple of different colors. Also forgot to add that I have leveled the print platform. I do get a small stream of filament coming from the extruder as it heats up for the next job which is not a significant issue but would appear to be gravity fed.

It would appear to me that it is a clogging issue and have done a so-so job of cleaning the nozzle. I've found a couple of videos which I have followed but doesn't appear to be a clog, no tell tail curling of extruded filament that I have read about and seen in a video.

Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated. It is frustrating to a newbie to have issues from the start, used printer btw with about 110 hours on it.

The following files are legit...I don't have a dead uncle who has millions of dollars that died in a plane crash and needs you to Fedex your entire personal information....blah blah blah. I'm human...I have brown hair and today is 2/18 Wednesday.

Many thanks!


btw-I could not upload the pics in IE, Firefox, and/or Chrome using either the java or standard file manager. Nor could I have attached them otherwise.....I could go off on a tangent but you should see where I am headed with this.