Volunteer-based e-NABLE provides 3D printed prosthetic hands to those in need: children, accident/trauma victims, amputees, wounded veterans, and more. The organization has donated more than 1,000 prosthetic hands to date, and shows no signs of slowing. Neither, though, do the requests for help, all of which are answered by these same volunteers. Recognizing that it's time to ask for help for the helpers, e-NABLE now features the Enable Community Foundation, through which anyone can donate to the cause. A one-time gift or a $10 recurring monthly donation would greatly help support e-NABLE's work, and t-shirts can also be purchased to wear the message out and about. Find out more about the new Enable Community Foundation and how you can give back in the full article: http://3dprint.com/45196/enable-community-foundation/

Below is a photo of the new t-shirt available for purchase to support e-NABLE: