Quote Originally Posted by hernejj View Post
According to http://www.raspberrypi.org/raspberry-pi-2-on-sale/ the pi-2 is completely backwards compatible with the pi-1 . So, in theory, you should be good to go.
Just to add a clarifying statement: The Pi-1 and Pi2 have different cpus, meaning images pre-compiled for the pi-1 will not work directly on the pi-2.

So you cannot simply grab an OctoPi image and install it on a Pi-2. The above link does give instructions for converting an image to run on the pi. I would expect, from my experiences as a software developer, that it probably will not be as simple as they make it seem. A quick Google search turned up no evidence that anyone is working on porting, although someone must be somewhere.

With all that said, OctoPrint will very likely run without issues on the Pi-2. After all, it is just a piece of software, and the hardware environment is essentially "the same". But if you were hoping for the convenience of OctoPi, it looks like it will take a little more work.