Sorry for the expletive...but about a week ago, I bought a small sheet (140mmX150mm) of Sitall glass from Unique-3d. If it works (as the site claims), it will replace my current glass setup of Borosilicate. So here I am, doing a test print with ABS and its actually sticking, with no warping. I haven't tried PLA yet, so I can't give a complete HOLY SH*T expletive yet. This whole process we have of hairspray, glue, and blah blah blah just MIGHT be a thing of the past?! My apologies for sounding like a giddy schoolgirl here, but those who've helped me know I have NEVER been able to get ABS to stick, or stick for very long. Oh, and before y'all jump in with how expensive the glass is ($20-$36), just think of all supplies you'll save on, plus the HASSLE of putting all that crap on the glass, then washing it off, then re-applying it...then washing it off (ya get my point). I'll gladly pay a one-time $30'ish and save myself all that other crap.