Hi, im looking for a printer that would be used to produce some utility parts for my other hobbies. I think I will use mainly PLA so no heatbed is required. I have made some own designs but Im not certain I can make them work, so at least just in case I'd be interested in looking for an option from market. I dont have budget, but since I have calculated I'd save a grand or two easily if I could print custom parts myself, so it doesn't necessarily have to be very cheap. I'm mostly looking for high quality and high strength parts that must withstand significant mechanical stresses (in terms of plastics, ofc) so issues like delamination must not happen. The parts do not generally need to be highly precisious, tolerances up to 0.1mm are well tolerated. I do not do mass production though so printing speed can be compromised rather than strength and accuracy.

The major limit I cannot buy common home printer is the print bed size. I need to print parts which dimensions are up to 250mm and later even more than that, so 10x10 table is mandatory minimum, bigger is better. I've been following the cobblebot starter, but I decided to wait until the company gets more credibility. Because of PLA printings, heatbed is not needed and therefore it should make the printer significantly less complicated.

I live in Europe so if it could be purchased from ETA area, I'd be very interested. I could also be interested in buying custom made printer if someone happens to do that.