We've seen some really cool cosplay costumes and movie props come out of 3D printers, and our latest favorite comes from a Dutch student. Timo Maluche happened to catch Iron Man 2 on TV at just the time he was looking for inspiration for his first 'real' 3D printing project, and decided then and there to create Iron Man's Arc Reactor. To get the details right, he watched a particular scene over and over, even frame by frame, to get the size and aspects all spot-on, then turned to Autodesk Inventor 2014 to design it to create at home. He printed the parts on his CartesioM 3D printer, then made space for 30 LEDs and a 9V battery pack to get the prop to light appropriately, a la Tony Stark's piece. Since he also printed it using glow-in-the-dark filament, the Arc Reactor maintains its glow for that authentic feel. The entire project, from conception to placement as a nightlight, took him about a week, and he told us about it. Check out what he had to say in the full article: http://3dprint.com/39039/iron-man-arc-reactor-3d-print/

Below is a photo of the front view of Maluche's 3D printed, glow-in-the-dark Arc Reactor: